Add LED Light for work state and system failure indicator. 增设工作状态指示灯或系统故障指示灯。
The results of their analysis concluded that donor race is not a uniform predictor of graft failure in liver transplantation and should not be construed as an indicator of donor quality. 他们的分析结果认为,供者人种不能作为肝移植中移植失败的独立预测因子,也不能作为评估供者质量的预测指标。
There are many weak links in control system of bucket conveyor such as overwind, failure depth indicator and so on. 传统的矿用提升机控制系统,在过卷、提升容器卡斗及深度指示器失效等方面均为薄弱环节,采用微机控制的自动记录装置,对提升机事故能及时、客观、准确地记录。
A Novel Failure Indicator of Earth Grounding and Short Circuit 新型短路与接地故障显示装置
Change Judging the Failure According to the Indicator 根据仪表数值的变化判断故障
Underwater Projection Failure Analysis of Buoy-type Torpedo Position Indicator and Its Improved Measures 浮标式雷位指示器水下抛射故障分析及改进措施
There is a failure in using a traditional sequential indicator simulation method to establish reservoir framework models, I, e, some micro-facies may appear in places against geological rules. 利用传统的顺序指示模拟方法建立储集层沉积微相模型存在不足,即可能在某些位置出现不符合地质规律的微相类型。
For the manufacturing process of motherboard and the characteristics of failure mode analysis, we put forward that bad components and unhealthy welding of components are the two major factors of influencing the indicator of MTBF. 针对主板制造工艺过程的特点和故障现象的原理分析,提出了主板元器件不良和元器件焊接不良为影响MTBF指标的两大原因。